# hi!!
I'm Kamilė Lukošiūtė^[ ![[L1003459.jpg | 200]]]. I live in the Bay Area. I'm currently working on improving the epistemics of LLM evaluations.
Contact me at `[lastnamefirstname]@gmail.com` (sans diacritics). I like getting emails!
### blog posts about evals
- [[You need to be spending more money on evals]]: On over-generalisation in LLM evaluations
- [[Maybe don't give language models standardized tests]]: On misleading LLM evaluations
### blog posts about other topics
- [[American Character]]: On the best things about America
- [[Neutron star mergers and fast surrogate modeling]]: On my astrophysics research
- [[What does BCEWithLogits actually do?]]: On technical details
- [[When can a tensor be view()ed?]]: On more technical details
### past work
- I was a resident researcher at Anthropic, where I worked on scalable oversight and evaluations. One of my publicly available projects was on [model-written evals](https://arxiv.org/abs/2212.09251).
- I was a PhD in machine learning for theoretical physics but dropped out to help to make AI's safe.
- During my bachelor's and master's in physics, I published a paper on [training cVAE surrogate models for kilonova parameter inference](https://arxiv.org/abs/2204.00285).
### contact!
[[CV.pdf |CV/Resume]]